Anyone with an Elrond Wallet can create Common MEME NFTs on the platform, so those NFT are not special. These are part of the MEME NFT collection.
These NFTs can be upgraded to Top Meme NFTs if the MEME was part of a previous Top 10. The are upgraded by being burned and a new NFT from the new collection being issued. The Top Meme NFT collection will be tradable on NFT marketplaces and will actually have value on our platform.
Only the Top 10 MEMEs each week (that participate in auctions) can be upgraded.
In order for a MEME NFT to become a Top Meme NFT, it needs to be part of an auction. At the end of the auction, if the NFT was locked in the auction, the NFT will be automatically upgraded. This is done by minting a new Top Meme NFT with the appropriate rarity depending on the place the MEME had in the Top 10, and the old MEME NFT will be burned.
A common meme NFT can also be upgraded if it was not locked in an auction from the Wallet Memes page.
Last updated